About the Review of Laser Engineering

The Review of Laser Engineering is a scientific journal written in Japanese or English and published by the Laser Society of Japan (LSJ). The journal offers opportunities to the members of the LSJ to present original papers, reviews, international conference reports, and other articles on laser-related topics; it also publishes articles for exchanging information between the members and the laser research community. The members can contribute to the journal at any time. Taking into consideration the referees’ opinions, the editorial board will determine the manuscript’s suitability for publication.
The Review of Laser Engineering (A4 size monthly journal) is edited and published through desktop publishing. The LSJ asks contributors for their collaboration in following the contribution guidelines below for fast and accurate publishing.
At least one of the co-authors should be a member of the LSJ. However, the authors need not necessarily be members when the LSJ requests a contribution.
One of the authors must be an LSJ member to submit a Laser Original (contributed paper).
All contents (Vol. 1 – current issue) are available online. Some of the back-number articles are available online at J-STAGE.
You can purchase the latest 12 issues in bulk, or one of the individual back numbers of The Review of Laser Engineering.
To reuse the Review of Laser Engineering, you need to obtain a permit by JAC, Japan Academic Association for Copyright Clearance.
The Review of Laser Engineering is a good home for placing an advertisement of products and services on laser, optics, and photonics. Our journal publishes up-to-date information about research and products on laser, optics, and photonics; and is read by high-profile researchers and engineers throughout Japan.